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“SpicyTricks” – a Technology Blog with Latest updates from the Tech World, Mobiles and App Reviews for Modern Users. We also Covering Useful How To Guides, Tips and Sharing Design ideas.
About Spicytricks.com
SpicyTricks was started by the Raja CRN, while he was pursuing an engineering degree in Information Technology. It was all started in 2008 and prospered in 2009. Blog is updated with the latest Technology, Design ideas, App reviews and More.
Today SpicyTricks.com shares Software Tutorials, Design Tips, WordPress Themes, Blogger Templates, Wallpapers, Gadgets, Freebies and More.
We have more than 25,000 followers via Social Networks and Newsletter and have receiving 1 million Pageviews per month.
About Raja CRN
Meanwhile, He has gained more than five years of experience in content Writing and Web development, specialized in WordPress. For the past 2 years, He is working on the Linux Administration. Occasionally, He dives into Android Development. He is quite social, find him at Google+
This blog is mainly updated by him and some other freelancers.
This blog is under the network of CRN Interactive.
If you have any tip, Query or say hello to us here.